BWG News

BWG Foods publishes Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023

The Employment Equality Act 1998 (Section 20A) (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2022 require Organisations in scope to pick a snapshot date.  BWG Foods selected 30th June 2023 and here report on remuneration for work done in the 12-month period up to the snapshot date.

The company reports the following BWG Foods:

The mean Gender Pay Gap in employee pay is calculated at 18.88% in favour of male employees.

The median Gender Pay Gap in employee hourly pay is calculated at 3.44% in favour of female employees.

The mean Gender Pay Gap for Part Time employees is calculated at 26.32% in favour of female employees.

The median Gender Pay Gap for Part Time employees is calculated at 24.35% in favour of female employees.

The mean Gender Pay Gap for Temporary Contract employees is calculated at 0.00%.

The median Gender Pay Gap for Temporary Contract employees is calculated at 0.00%.

The Proportion of Male employees with a BIK payment is 16.15%.

The Proportion of Female employees with a BIK payment is 10.31%.

The Proportion of Male employees with a bonus payment is 41.46%.

The Proportion of Female employees with a bonus payment is 38.14%.

The mean bonus Gender Pay Gap is calculated as 5.41% in favour of male employees.

The median bonus Gender Pay Gap is calculated as 21.53% in favour of female employees.

Employees by Pay Quartiles








Lower Middle




Upper Middle








Publishing our gender pay gap data adds focus on our support for an open and inclusive workplace at BWG Foods. All colleagues in BWG Foods have the same opportunities for recognition and career development and are treated fairly and equitably at work.

Many equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives and supports are already in place in BWG Foods, and we continue to explore opportunities to address any barriers to workplace equality. 

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